About Us
Laurel Hills opened in September of 1966 with first, second, and third graders. Fourth and fifth graders joined then in November, upon completion of the rest of the building. Students slated to attend Laurel Hills had been attending Pittman Hills Junior High during the 1964-1965 school years. The first principal at Laurel Hills was Mr. Joe Edward. Money for construction of Laurel Hills was obtained from one of 17 bond elections held in the Raytown School District in a period of 18 consecutive years.
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Check out our PeachJar! Laurel Hills Elementary uses PeachJar as a way to distribute flyers to our families.
The Raytown C-2 School District uses Peachjar, a free online service for schools, to post approved efliers so that they are accessible to parents, staff and students as wanted/needed. Click here to learn more about Peachjar.
Dr. Becky Bien-Stevenson
Heather Frazier
Administrator Intern
Nicole Barnhart
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
9:05 a.m. - 4:10 p.m.
Wednesday Early Release
9:05 a.m. - 2:40 p.m.
Half Day Schedule
9:05 a.m. -12:25 p.m.
*Lunch is served